A 31-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly killing his wife, her two brothers and their father in Tirzada village in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra, police said on Wednesday. The accused, Govind Pawar, fatally attacked his 28-year-old wife with a crowbar at a farm on Tuesday night suspecting her character. He also killed his brother-in-law who was present at the farm in a fit of rage, an official said. Pawar then went to the house of his in-laws in the village and killed his father-in-law Pandit Ghosle (55) and another brother-in-law, he added. The deceased brothers-in-law are identified as Dnyaneshwar Ghosle (33) and Sunil Ghosle (24). Prima facie, Pawar attacked family members of his wife in a fit of rage but we are investigating further, the official said. ‘’Pawar was arrested when he was trying to flee the village,’’ he added. Police have registered an FIR (First Information Report) and investigating further.
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