Police in Andhra’s Srikakulam district reported on Tuesday that a 28-year-old man allegedly died from electrocution while reading announcements for the Ganesh Chaturthi program. The deceased, who has been identified as Suresh Kumar, was a resident of Sunnada village in Srikakulam, according to Kasibugga Circle Inspector (CI) Srinivasa Rao. According to the CI, the incident happened in the Srikakulam district’s Palasa (M) Sunnada village while Kumar was giving announcements at a Ganesh Chaturthi celebration that was taking place there.
“The Ganesh pandal organiser in the Sunnada village had set up a Ganesh Pandal and food distribution camp for devotees on the occasion of the ongoing Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations,” he said.
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