Faridabad police arrested a 42-year-old truck driver on Monday from Aligarh on suspicion of blackmailing at least 85 women. Ganesh Singh of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, told police he found a SIM card at a Dhaba in Rajasthan and used it to commit the crimes. Cops recovered his phone and discovered 485 obscene videos used to blackmail women, some of which had been downloaded from the internet.

Singh, according to Nitish Aggarwal, deputy commissioner of police (NIT), created multiple social media accounts from which he copied images and then morphed them to blackmail women. “He is a serial offender who often targeted women. His interrogation has revealed that he abused and blackmailed at least 85 women so far,” he said.

According to the officer, Singh frequently created fake social media accounts and used them to contact random women. He allegedly would then morph their images and blackmail them to gain sexual favours.

According to Aggarwal, the incident was discovered after police received a complaint from a victim who claimed she received a morphed photograph in a WhatsApp message on May 6 of this year. “The suspect asked her to not block his number, failing which he threatened to circulate the photograph on social media. She immediately informed her husband about the text. The husband found the suspect’s number switched off when he called him,” he said.

Singh has been charged with violating the Information Technology Act, and police have launched an investigation. According to the DCP, investigators tracked down the IP address from which the fake accounts were created, which led them to Singh.

Sube Singh, Faridabad police spokesperson, stated that the suspect was identified using his IP address, and his location was constantly changing.“Teams were formed and raids were conducted at Nagaur, Ajmer, Jaipur, Kishangarh, Rupangarh, Dausa, Alwar and Bharatpur but the suspect narrowly escaped each time,” he said.

According to Aggarwal, Singh admitted to constantly searching for women on social media platforms. He copied and morphed their profile pictures before sending them to their WhatsApp numbers. Aggarwal stated that the specifics of his previous involvements in such cases are being investigated. His phone has been sent to be forensically examined.