Delhi Police has registered an FIR in a case where several minors were allegedly beaten up at a Rohingya camp in the Madanpur Khadar area of Kalindi Kunj in the national capital, police said.
The incident took place on Wednesday, and Delhi Police said they have registered an FIR in the case. According to police, some children who were playing in the area broke the glass panes of a garage owner’s car, which was parked in the vicinity.
The accused owns a car garage in the locality.
“In the Kalindi Kunj area of South East Delhi, a man thrashed some boys when the glass of the car broke. The boys who have been beaten up are minors. They are Rohingya and live in the Madanpur Khadar area of Kalindi Kunj. The man also picked up a fight with the children. After the matter came to light, an FIR was registered at Kalindi Kunj Police Station on Wednesday night and an investigation is going on,” said police.
Further investigations are underway, Delhi Police said.