On Wednesday, two individuals, identified as Parvesh Kumar (25) alias Bittu and Arman Khan (23) alias Khan, have been arrested for their alleged involvement in fatally assaulting a man in Delhi’s Janakpuri area, as informed by the police officials.

The victim, identified as Saurav Upadhyay, alias Rishi, was reported dead in a medico-legal case (MLC) on Monday. Deputy Commissioner of Police West Vichitra Veer revealed that a complaint had been filed by the deceased’s brother, Gaurav Upadhyay, prompting the registration of a case under sections 302/34 of the Indian Penal Code at PS Janakpuri.

The investigation uncovered a previous dispute between Saurav Upadhyay and the accused, suggesting that the recent incident was a repercussion of the earlier conflict. “Some more people are found to be involved in this incident. Efforts are underway to arrest them,” DCP Veer added. The investigation is ongoing.