NEW DELHI: After piquing the interest of fans with the intriguing trailer of Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh starrer ‘Sardar ka Grandson’, the makers of the upcoming movie dropped the first song ‘Jee Ni Karda’ on Sunday. Rakul took to her Instagram handle and shared the song along with the caption, “If you want to go balle balle, this is the chance! #JeeNiKarda Song out now!”
The song opens with rhythmic beats of a ‘dhol’ and the scene then changes to visuals where the lead pair is captured grooving on to the Punjabi party number at a marriage. While Rakul looked ravishing in a red and golden Anarkali suit, Arjun too looked dashing as always in a red and golden Indo-western. The song is a recreation of the 2012 track ‘Dhoor’ by Manak-E. Music composer Tanishk Bagchi has kept the soul of the song intact. He has seemingly added just a little more ‘dhol’ to it to make it suitable for the setting of a perfect Punjabi wedding. The new version has been sung by Jass Manak, Manak-E and Nikhita Gandhi.
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