The Personnel Department issued an order on Friday announcing the transfer of 24 officers belonging to the Rajasthan Administrative Service. The reshuffle includes 15 appointments as special assistants or private secretaries to various ministers. Among the key appointments, Anju Rajpal and Om Prakash Bunakar have been assigned as Joint Secretaries to the Chief Minister. Additionally, Additional District Collector Rajkumar Singh and Ramratan Sankhla have been appointed as special officers for CM Bhajan Lal Sharma in Shahabad, Baran district. Lalit Kumar has been transferred from Joint Secretary to the Chief Minister to Rajasthan Seed Corporation as Director, while Hemendra Nagar has been reassigned to the position of Deputy Secretary to the Chief Minister.

Ministerial appointments

Jaynarayan Meena has been designated as Joint Secretary to School Education Minister Madan Dilawar, Naresh Kumar Malav as Joint Secretary to Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Avinash Gehlot, and Rajpal Singh as a Special Assistant to State Minister KK Vishnoi of the Industry and Commerce Department.
Further, Omprakash Pancham has been appointed as Additional Secretary to the Ministers of Animal Husbandry and Dairy, and Fisheries, and Jawahar Singh Bedam as State Minister in the Panchayati Raj Department, and more were given other roles.

Private Secretary appointments

Kaluram Khod has been assigned as Private Secretary to the Minister of Revenue and Sub-Residency Department Hemant Meena. Dr Bhaskar Bishnoi has been appointed as Private Secretary to Forest Environment and Climate Change and Diet Department State Minister Sanjay Sharma, and many more.