The Mahindra Thar 5-door will be named the Mahindra Thar Roxx, set to debut on August 15th, the same date the current generation Thar was launched four years ago. The company released a teaser video showcasing the Mahindra Thar Roxx, revealing its new name. The Thar Roxx features the addition of two doors, an extended length, and a longer wheelbase. It also boasts subtle design updates, including new circular headlights and a redesigned grille. Despite these changes, the new Mahindra SUV unmistakably belongs to the ‘Thar’ family.
The Thar 5-door is expected to offer engine options including a 2.0L turbo-petrol and a 2.2L diesel. Transmission choices will likely include both 6-speed manual and 6-speed automatic options. The Thar Roxx will be equipped with a 4×4 drivetrain, featuring a low-ratio gearbox, a mechanical locking differential on the rear axle, and a brake-locking front axle. Mahindra may also offer a two-wheel drive variant to keep prices competitive.
The prices for the Mahindra Thar 5-door are expected to start at approximately ₹13 lakh and go up to around ₹25 lakh, ex-showroom.
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