Speaking at a conclave, Minister of groundwater, Mahesh Joshi said that Mission 2030 is their dream, which will be fulfilled soon. He said, “People are actively giving their suggestions. They will be included in the vision document to facilitate Rajasthan’s progress.” He stated that the Congress government has completed all the tasks that the BJP left unfinished.
Joshi stated, “Earlier, raw material used to be exported from the state, needles were made in England, but that’s not the case anymore. Rajasthan is being led by the path shown by Rajiv Gandhi. The progress will continue because this dream belongs to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.” On the other hand, he said, “Every effort is being made for the people of the state regarding the ERCP project. However, when it comes to some major projects, the Modi government steps back. It was decided during the government’s tenure that the dream of every household having water would be fulfilled by 2023. However, the JJM project can only be completed by 2026. In fact, the Rajasthan Water Department initiated the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in rural areas. In five years, one crore water connections have been provided, which is a significant achievement. The government has made efforts to provide water in villages and towns. ERCP is the BJP’s announcement, but Congress will implement it entirely.” While targeting the Central Government, Mahesh Joshi said that the BJP’s promises are false. He said, “ERCP was sent to Rajasthan as per the orders of the Central Government in 2017. But since 2017 until now, the BJP has done nothing except take credit. In 2018, Prime Minister Modi came to Rajasthan and announced the ERCP that would provide relief to 13 districts in Ajmer and Jaipur, but today they have stepped back.”