Despite the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct, Cabinet Minister Mahesh Joshi visited the Gad Ganesh Temple for a stone-laying ceremony. Due to this, he has received a notice from the Returning Officer for the Hawa Mahal constituency.
In the notice issued by the Returning Officer, Mahesh Joshi is asked for an explanation regarding his participation in the event after the Model Code of Conduct has been put into effect in the state.
During this time, any politician affiliated with a political party, current MLA, or minister is prohibited from participating in programs, inaugurations, stone-laying ceremonies, and the use of a platform organised by government, semi-government, state, or central government-funded or affiliated organisations. Such activities fall under the ambit of a violation of the Model Code of Conduct issued by the Election Commission.
The notice issued to the minister mentioned that in this matter when the company was given notice and asked for a response, the company stated that an invitation was extended to the minister to participate in the event. However, the advertisement was not published by the advertising company, and the one published in the newspaper contained the photo, name, and designation of the minister.