Maharastra’s Minister for Women and Child Development Yashomati Thakur, on Wednesday, launched ‘Mission Vatsalya’ scheme, for women who lost their husbands to Covid-19. Mission Vatsalya is aimed to serve around 18 benefits, schemes, and services to such women from rural areas with impoverished backgrounds. As per the state government data, in the last one and a half years, around 15,095 women lost their husbands to Covid-19. Out of them, the number of women who have been listed by the district task force is 14,661.

Efforts are being made by the Department of Women and Child Development to provide 18 different services to help such women as well as help them to get the certificates they need. This includes several schemes like Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Yojana and Gharkul Yojana for these women.

The staff of the Women and Child Development Department, Child Development Project Officer, Local Unit Officer, and staff, as well as Anganwadi Sevika, are going to the homes of such women and providing them with these services. The department has reached about 10,500 women in the state and Thakur is confident that they will get various benefits soon.