Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray on Thursday alleged that the Maharashtra government led by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is “100 per cent corrupt”. If corruption has to be dealt with, then today’s government in Maharashtra has to be targeted first as it is the “most corrupt” government, said the former state minister at the India Today Conclave. A coalition of the BJP, Shinde-led Shiv Sena and an NCP breakaway faction headed by Ajit Pawar is now governing Maharashtra. “If the then Karnataka government (led by BJP) was 40 per cent, then this is 100 per cent…this is ‘khokhe’ sarkar (government). It is a builder-contractor sarkar. This is 100 per cent corrupt sarkar. There is corruption in everything,” said the legislator.
The earlier BJP government in Karnataka was accused by the Congress of taking 40 per cent commission during its rule. The party lost the state to the Congress in the assembly polls in May. Ever since Shinde and the 39 MLAs backing him walked away from the undivided Shiv Sena last year and tied up with the BJP to become the ruling partners, those from the Uddhav Thackeray group have been calling the government ‘khokhe’ sarkar, insinuating money play behind Shinde’s move. Khokhe is the street language for crore.