Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde inaugurated the ‘Shiv Sankalp Abhiyan’ by his faction of Shiv Sena in Shirur, expressing confidence that the ruling Mahayuti alliance will secure victory in 45 out of the 48 Lok Sabha seats in the upcoming general election. In a veiled jab at Uddhav Thackeray, leader of the rival Shiv Sena (UBT) faction, Shinde remarked that while his party workers are actively engaging with the public to understand their concerns, “some people work from their home.” This statement echoes previous taunts by Shinde aimed at his predecessor, who, during the COVID crisis, worked from home for a significant part of his tenure.

“The ‘Shiv Sankalp Abhiyan’ has been launched to bring the government’s welfare schemes directly to the masses. This campaign is set to secure 45 seats in the Lok Sabha elections for the Mahayuti alliance, comprising Shiv Sena, BJP, and the Ajit Pawar faction of the NCP,” Shinde stated.

Shinde accused opposition parties of spreading baseless allegations and attempting to sow confusion among the public. He refuted claims that industries were being relocated from Maharashtra, emphasizing the state’s ranking as number one in foreign investment.
Shinde contrasted this with the performance during the tenure of opposition leaders, stating that under Devendra Fadnavis, Maharashtra ranked second in the country for investments.

Former minister Vijay Shivtare, former Shirur MP Shivajirao Adhalrao Patil, and former Junnar MLA Sharad Sonawane were also present at the event.

Adhalrao Patil focused on the development of the Shirur Lok Sabha constituency, acknowledging Shinde’s support over the past five years. He expressed his commitment to the region’s progress and stated that he would leave the decision of a Lok Sabha seat to the chief minister, emphasizing collaboration for the constituency’s welfare.