An Independent candidate named Vanita Raut, hailing from Chimur village in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, has made an unusual campaign pledge to offer subsidized whiskey and beer to constituents if elected in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Vanita Raut, representing the Akhil Bhaarateey Maanavata Party, has proposed an unconventional promise aimed at her “economically disadvantaged voters.” She has stated her intention to establish beer bars in every village and distribute complimentary imported whiskey and beer to those in need using funds allocated to Members of Parliament, should she win the seat in her constituency.

Vanita Raut said while to speaking to Indian Today, “Jahan gaanv, waha beer baar. Yahi mere mudde hain (Where there is a village, there is a beer bar. These are my poll issues).”

Raut proposed a unique election pledge by introducing imported liquor through a regulated system, requiring both drinkers and vendors to obtain licenses. She justified her proposal by highlighting the plight of extremely poor individuals who find solace in alcohol but can only afford low-quality options, leading to excessive consumption and subsequent issues.

She advocated for granting licenses only to adults to address concerns about alcohol abuse. Additionally, she aimed to remove the societal stigma associated with drinking. Notably, Raut has previously contested elections and made the same promise, despite facing consequences, indicating her persistence in this regard.