Gufi Paintal, a renowned veteran actor famous for his role as Shakuni Mama in BR Chopra’s television series ‘Mahabharat,’ passed away on Monday morning. After battling with poor health for an extended period, he was admitted to the hospital on May 31 when his condition deteriorated. His younger brother, the well-known comedian Paintal, had previously shared the news about Gufi Paintal’s health, revealing that he was dealing with heart and kidney issues. The cremation ceremony for Gufi Paintal is scheduled to take place on Monday evening.
Recently, actor Tina Ghaai also shared a health update of the seasoned actor on her Instagram handle. Sharing a picture of the actor, Tina wrote, “GufiPaintal ji #Takleef mein hain #prarthana ki jeeye #omsairam #prayers #prayersforhealing #prayersneeded.”
Gufi Paintal appeared in both TV shows and films. He was seen in many TV shows including ‘Bahadur Shah Zafar’, ‘Mahabharat’, ‘Kanoon’, ‘Om Namah Shivay’, ‘CID’, ‘Ssshhhh…Koi Hai’, ‘Dwarkadheesh Bhagwaan Shree Krishn’, ‘RadhaKrishn’ and ‘Jay Kaniya lal Ki’ among others.He made his debut with the 1975 film ‘Rafoo Chakkar’. Following this, the actor appeared in other films, including ‘Dillagi’, ‘Desh Pardesh’, and ‘Suhaag’
Gufi Paintal was last seen in the TV show ‘Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki’.
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