On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the cornerstone for “Veerangana Rani Durgavati Smarak aur Udyaan” in this location and unveiled projects totaling more than Rs 12,000 crore in areas like transportation, energy, housing, and drinking water. In addition to extending greetings to attendees, he toured the exhibition. The Center is fervently commemorating Rani Durgavati’s 500th birth anniversary. The Prime Minister made the announcement regarding the celebration during his July visit to Shahdol in Madhya Pradesh.
The “Veerangana Rani Durgavati Smarak aur Udyaan” will be constructed in Jabalpur for about Rs 100 crore and cover about 21 acres. It will feature an impressive 52-foot-tall Rani Durgavati bronze statue. There will be a magnificent museum there that will highlight the history of the Gondwana region, as well as the bravery and valour of the queen. The cuisine, artwork, culture, and way of life of the Gond people and other tribal communities will also be highlighted. There will also be a number of parks and gardens on the property of “Veerangana Rani Durgavati Smarak aur Udyaan,” including a garden for medicinal plants, a cactus garden, and a rock garden.
In the middle of the sixteenth century, Rani Durgavati was the monarch of Gondwana. She is remembered as a valiant, fearless, and brave warrior who fought the Mughals for freedom. The Light House Project in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore received a virtual opening from the prime minister. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban project, built at a cost of approximately Rs 128 crore, will assist over 1000 beneficiary families.
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