Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav paid homage to the fallen heroes of the 1971 war at Shaurya Smarak in Bhopal on Vijay Diwas. On this occasion, CM Yadav commemorated India’s conquest of Pakistan, resulting in the division of Pakistan and the formation of Bangladesh. He praised the bravery of the armed forces and remembered the soldiers who contributed to this historic moment.

Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also saluted the heroes of the 1971 war, expressing heartfelt tributes to those who served India diligently and secured a decisive victory. The sacrifices and dedication of these heroes remain a source of immense pride for the nation, according to PM Modi.

The Indian Army, in a statement on ‘X,’ marked the historic victory of the Indian Armed Forces over Pakistan on December 16, 1971. Vijay Diwas is celebrated on this day to honour the courage and fortitude displayed by the armed forces during the India-Pakistan War.

December 16, 1971, marked the day when Pakistan signed the instrument of surrender in Dhaka after a 13-day war. With the surrender of over 93,000 soldiers, India’s victory was complete, and Bangladesh emerged as a new nation. Vijay Diwas is a day to remember and salute the sacrifices made by the soldiers during this significant historical event. The day holds great importance in India’s history, symbolizing the triumph of courage and determination.