NEW DELHI: Bollywood star Madhuri Dixit recently became the latest addition to the viral ‘Bajre Da Sitta’ trend. The actor shared a gorgeous video of her performing to the popular song and giving priceless expressions.Madhuri took to her Instagram handle and shared a short clip in which she performed the viral song, flaunting her pre and post glow up looks. She captioned the post as, “On trend with #BajreDaSitta.” In the video shared by the 53-year-old actor, she could be seen lip-syncing to the song while sitting in her green room right before her makeover. Later in the clip, after the star’s dramatic transformation, she is seen clad in a light and dark pink lehenga. Madhuri also wore drop diamond earrings and a necklace, with her hair tied into a bun.

Meanwhile, on the work front, the ‘Dhak-Dhak’ girl of Bollywood will be debuting in the digital world through the suspenseful family drama series by Netflix titled ‘Finding Anamika’. The plot of the series revolves around the story of a global superstar, wife, and mom who suddenly vanishes without a trace. As police and loved ones search for answers to her disappearance, her perfectly crafted facade is stripped away, revealing hidden truths and painful lies in the life of an iconic actress.