Renowned producer Madhu Mantena has changed his name on Instagram from Madhu Mantena to Madhu Mantena Trivedi by adding his wife Ira Trivedi’s last name. They are currently enjoying their honeymoon in the Maldives. Earlier, the director took to his official Instagram handle and shared a picture of Ira. Along with the picture, she wrote, “Now I get to say my wife is as pretty as the Maldives.
Madhu Mantena also shared a couple of pictures of Ira Trivedi in a white swimsuit. In the picture, Ira is seen acing yoga poses. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “Now I am just showing off my wife.”
Have a look
The ace director shared a picture from his wedding with Ira Trivedi a few days ago. In the caption, he wrote, “I’M Complete now …. I have never felt so happy and peaceful in my entire life. I was really punching above my weight when I asked Ira to marry me and with a little bit of divine intervention I got married to her yesterday. In the past few years Ira’s influence on me has helped me get closer to god and try my hand at co-creating with the universe. I feel strong and safe as Ira and I embark on building a family of our own. I am overwhelmed with all the love that Ira and I got for the last two days from all of our family, friends and well wishers. We are blessed to have all of you in our lives…”
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