In a significant breakthrough, Ludhiana Police apprehended three individuals involved in a clandestine drug operation, disguised in police uniforms and supplying narcotics across Punjab. The raid yielded a seizure of 54 quintals of poppy seeds, four police uniforms, two illicit country-made pistols with cartridges, 14 counterfeit number plates, and a staggering sum of drug worth Rs 1.25 crore.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Avtar Singh, also known as Tari, hailing from village Dhudike Moga, Harjinder Singh, known as Rindi, residing in village Raipur Aria Jalandhar Hall, Mullanpur, and Kamalpreet Singh, a resident of Rupa Patti Rode Wagapurana Moga. According to SSP Navneet Singh Bains, the police received intelligence indicating the accused’s large-scale drug supply operation, trafficking poppy seeds from other states to distribute across Punjab.
Acting on the tip-off, the police intercepted the accused while they were transporting the illicit goods in a truck bound for Jagraon. A thorough search of the vehicle uncovered 270 sacks, each weighing 20 kg, containing a total of 54 quintals of poppy seeds. Further investigation at Harjinder Singh’s residence led to the recovery of Rs 1.25 crore in drug money, police uniforms, fake number plates, and illegal firearms.
The accused confessed to crossing state borders in police uniforms to discreetly transport the contraband. They revealed a pattern of purchasing poppy seeds six times this year alone, utilizing illegal weapons acquired from Madhya Pradesh for their protection.
SSP Bains disclosed that Harjinder Singh, one of the accused, had a criminal record with cases registered against him in multiple cities, including Delhi. Despite being granted parole from a Delhi prison, Harjinder Singh evaded returning and instead delved into drug smuggling operations. The accused exhibited a high level of sophistication, frequently changing the truck’s number plates in each city they operated, as evident by the discovery of 14 counterfeit plates in their possession.