On the occasion of the New Year, the Punjab government has given a big gift to the residents of Ludhiana. Today, CM Mann arrived on a visit to Ludhiana where he presented the city’s people with a New Year’s gift. In order to further keep the city clean, the Municipal Corporation has deployed machines worth 19 crore rupees, signalling a green flag. CM Mann said that these state-of-the-art 8 jetting machines, one pothole machine, 2 infra-red hole repair machines, a specialized ladder-equipped fire brigade, and other machines will help transform the city’s landscape.

After a meeting with legislators in Ludhiana, CM Mann stated that the pending roadwork, which had been halted for some time, is commencing today. Meaning, the project work on roads is starting today. The tender for this has already been awarded. No government has taken charge of its maintenance previously, but now its completion will greatly benefit the people. 1500 lights are being provided to different assembly constituencies. Additionally, the work on the terminal of Halwara Airport is 96% complete, and soon flights will commence from there. He mentioned that since Halwara Airport is related to the Air Force, the work is progressing a bit slowly, but it will start from February 15.

Apart from this, Budda Nallah, with an area of over 14 kilometers, is a menace for Ludhiana. The central government is also prepared to assist in this regard. There was considerable discussion about Budda Nallah in the meeting. Therefore, the Punjab government is planning to take significant steps forward. Moreover, a bridge that has been closed for 5 years is also being reopened. During this time, CM Mann stated that 12 toll plazas in Punjab have been shut down. Alongside this, meters for electricity will be installed in every household in Punjab, whether the colony is legal or illegal.