A woman was gang raped after being drugged at an ashram in Lucknow’s Gomti Nagar. The incident occurred 13 days ago, when a 55-year-old woman went to meet Hanuman Das Mahant at the Janaki Mandir ashram.

The four accused have been identified as Durvasa, Chotte Mauni, Bare Mauni, and Manmohan Das. The victim revealed in her statement that she travelled to the Lucknow ashram with a woman named Geeta whom she had met in Prayagraj.

She, along with Geeta, arrived  Lucknow on October 4 to see Hanuman Das Mahant at the Janaki Mandir ashram. The victim remained at the ashram to meet the Mahant, while Geeta went back to Varanasi with the news that her brother was ill.

The lady claimed in her lawsuit that she was drugged and raped after falling unconscious.

After she complained, Mahant threatened the victim with death. There have been such instances with outer victims too.

The woman was able to escape the ashram and get in touch with her relatives. They complained about the males who had sexually assaulted the woman at the ashram.

Inspector-in-Charge Dinesh Chandra Mishra stated that an investigation is now underway and appropriate action will be taken as soon as possible.