Jammu During the recent Awaam ki Awaaz program, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha urged diverse segments of society to actively participate in the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, the Government of India’s largest initiative.
Stressing the significance of public involvement, he called for achieving 100% saturation of schemes and ensuring the widespread distribution of benefits to all intended beneficiaries.“As we approach the end of 2023 and reflect on the months gone by, we witness remarkable growth, improved quality of life in both rural and urban areas, and visible progress all around. I observe J&K confidently moving towards its goals,” stated Lt Governor Sinha. During the event, Lt Governor Sinha shared inspiring success stories, including the innovative efforts of Sh Munshi Ramji, who repurposed old laptop batteries and e-waste to create an e-cycle, aligning with the Vocal for Local and Green India Initiative. He also commended the entrepreneurial spirit of individuals like Sadaf from Srinagar, Meenakshi Devi from Bhaderwah, and Pooja from Kot Bhalwal, Jammu, highlighting their resilience and determination.