Lt Gen Manoj Kumar Mago took over the command of ‘Chetak Corps’ from Lt Gen Ajai Singh earlier this week. The General Officer is an alumnus of Indian Military Academy, Dehradun and was commissioned into the elite ‘Brigade of the GUARDS’. He is an alumnus of Defence Service Staff College, Wellington, Higher Command Course, Mhow and National Defence College, Delhi as well. The General Officer has an exceptionally brilliant professional career and has been awarded Yudh Seva Medal and Sena Medal twice for distinguished services.

The General officer has rich operational experience of 35 years across all terrain and has served in Siachen, Kargil Sector (during Op VIJAY), Desert Sector (during Op PARAKRAM), seven tenures in Counter Insurgency Operations in Jammu & Kashmir, Nagaland, Assam and with the Strategic Forces Command. The General Officer has been an instructor at the Army War College, prestigious Counter Insurgency & Jungle Warfare Institute (CIJW) and GUARDS Regimental Centre. He has also served in United Nations Peace Keeping assignments on two occasions at Somalia and Congo. The General Officer was tenanting the appointment of Director General Operational Logistics & Strategic Move in the Army Headquarters, prior to taking over the Chetak Corps.