The BJP is in talks with Upendra Kushwaha, Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) chief Mukesh Sahani and Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) leader Chirag Paswan for forming an alliance ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in 2024. In this context BJP’s Bihar President Sanjay Jaiswal met Upendra Kushwaha and they had a closed-door meeting, lasting for half an hour. As per the reliable sources, he communicated the message of the BJP top leadership to Kushwaha. Earlier, Kushwaha, had been praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi and shared that it will be very difficult for the opposition parties to remove him from power in 2024. The buzz is that before the announcement of alliance between LJP and BJP, Union Minister and president of Rashtriya Lok Janshakti Party (RLJP) Pashupati Kumar Paras will be merging his party with his estranged nephew Chirag Paswan’s Lok Janshakti Party (Ramvilas). The RLJP has five members in the Lok Sabha from Bihar.
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