On Monday, Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari paid a visit to the Sita Ram Dvara in City Palace. She offered prayers and expressed her wish for the well-being of the entire state. Later, she flagged off the Ram Rath Yatra organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad from the Ambabadi Ram Temple.
The Deputy Chief Minister also witnessed the live telecast of the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on a large screen at the famous Balaji Temple complex in Dehradun, Vidhyadhar Nagar. After the consecration ceremony was completed, she participated in the aarti of Lord Rama and listened to the address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Dr Mohan Bhagwat.
On this occasion, Diya Kumari addressed the general public and congratulated everyone for this historic moment. She mentioned that the five hundred years of waiting for the followers of Sanatan Dharma have come to an end today. This historic moment has come into our lives solely as a result of the determined resolve of PM Narendra Modi.
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