The Aam Aadmi Party announced its first list of eight candidates for the Lok Sabha elections from Punjab on Thursday. The list includes five cabinet ministers- Gurmeet Singh Khudian from Bathinda, Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal from Amritsar, Laljit Singh Bhullar from Khandur Sahib, Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer from Sangrur and Dr Balbir Singh from Patiala.
Apart from these, the sitting MP from Jalandhar, Sushil Kumar Rinku, has been named a candidate for the party whose convenor is Delhi Chief Minister Aravind Kejriwal
Former MLA Gurpreet Singh has been given the ticket from Fatehgarh Sahib and the name of Karamjeet Anmol has been announced to contest from Faridkot.
On February 27, the Aam Admi Party had announced its candidates for four Lok Sabha seats in Delhi and one from Haryana’s Kurukshetra constituency. It has fielded Kuldeep Kumar from the East Delhi constituency, whereas former Delhi Minister and senior AAP leader Somnath Bharti will contest from the New Delhi Lok Sabha seat.
The party has fielded Sahiram Pahalwan from the South Delhi seat, and Mahabal Mishra is set to contest from West Delhi. In Haryana, AAP has decided to field Sushil Gupta will contest from Kurukshetra. There are 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab with four seats reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates. In the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections, the Congress-led UPA alliance clinched 8 seats, while the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) managed to secure four. The AAP, which was contesting for the first time in the state won one seat. AAP is the first party in the state to have announced its candidates for the upcoming general elections.
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