In Bardhaman, West Bengal, BJP candidate Dilip Ghosh voiced concerns over alleged voter intimidation ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Ghosh highlighted instances where villagers, particularly women, expressed fear over casting their votes due to alleged threats from the ruling party, TMC. He accused TMC of obstructing polling agents’ entry into booths, hoping for smoother voting processes. Ghosh criticized TMC’s candidate selection, claiming they resort to fielding actors after rejection by constituents.

Bardhaman said ,”When I went to villages, women asked me with folded hands if they will be able to cast their votes or not. It is their (TMC) habit to threaten people who want to cast their votes. The goons of TMC are not letting the polling agents enter the booths…I hope the situation will improve and voting will be done smoothly…TMC does not have a candidate. They are bringing actors to fight elections after their leaders are rejected…”

The Bardhaman-Durgapur constituency witnesses a multi-cornered contest, with AITC’s Kirti Azad and CPI(M)’s Sukriti Ghoshal competing alongside Ghosh. As tensions escalate, all eyes remain on the electoral dynamics in this crucial battleground of West Bengal.