Switzerland-based tech firm Logitech on Tuesday launched a keyboard and mouse featuring new proprietary Si- lentTouch technology for Rs 2,995 in India. SilentTouch technology aims to remove 90 per cent of typing as well as clicking in the ‘MK295 Silent Wireless Combo’ and will be available in graphite and off-white colour option, the company said in a statement. The keyboard comes with an extra layer of utility and comfort. Its 36-month battery life reduces the hassle of changing batteries, so you can continue working with lag-free wireless ease. The mouse features a contoured shape along with 18-month battery life. It also comes with on and off switches so it’s ready to work when you are, the company said. In addition, the mouse supports wireless connection up to 10 meters with Logitech’s tiny plug-and-forget USB receiver. MK295 Silent Wireless Combo is available on Amazon.in.
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