The Maharashtra government on Thursday decided to impose a weeklong lockdown in the state’s Nagpur district from March 15 to 21 March owing to the spike in novel coronavirus cases. However, essential services such as vegetable and fruit shops and milk booths will remain open. Liquor will be sold online only during the lockdown period. “Complete lockdown to remain imposed in Nagpur City Police Commissionerate area from March 15 to March 21,” Nagpur Guardian Minister Nitin Raut said, adding that the essential services will continue in the district.

Raut chaired a meeting of top district officials and informed reporters that the lockdown will be enforced in the Nagpur Police Commissionerate limits from 15 to 21 March. Raut also said people should not move out unnecessarily. This comes a day after the Shiv Sena warned of stringent restrictions in an editorial in its mouthpiece “Saamana”.

“Is Maharashtra heading towards another lockdown? Cases across the country are increasing and Maharashtra’s contribution is major, which is a cause of concern. People should maintain self-discipline and put some restrictions on themselves. Take care, else lockdown or strict restrictions are unavoidable,” the editorial said.

Preeti Sompura

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