A team from the anti-corruption branch raided the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital on Tuesday in response to allegations that fake and unconventional medications were being supplied to government hospitals. The ACB reports that a case was filed on January 5 under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, Section 120B of the IPC, and Section 7A POC (corruption). According to a senior ACB official, the team questioned LNJP Hospital employees and officials and confiscated some case-related documents. The ACB team spent roughly three hours at the hospital.
The complaint was done by the Deputy Secretary Vigilance Health and Family Welfare Department. It was alleged that medical and surgical equipment’s being supplied by 13 different suppliers were not of good quality.
As per the FIR, ACB has also taken some samples from the hospital which included rolled bandage, absorbent cotton, latex examination gloves and infusion set and have been sent for testing.
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