As the Maharashtra Mahavikas Agadhi (MVA) government continues to fire-fight the Sachin Vaze case, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut has hit out at the BJP, asking the party to order a CBI probe in all cases where scathing letters have been written by IPS officers, including the one by Sanjeev Bhatt. Excerpts from the interview:
Q: Former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis is in Delhi to meet the Home Secretary. Apparently, he claims to be submitting documents that incriminate Home Minister Anil Deshmukh.
A: This is baseless. Let Fadvanis submit documents. If he wants, let him submit old documents from junk. Let him meet Home Secretary or the President of India to pass time. Nothing will happen. This is just frustration.
Q: What’s your take on the manner in which a senior police officer accused the sitting Home Minister of corruption.
A: There is nothing called as senior or junior officer. He was just an officer who was removed. He, too, has frustration and pain owing to losing his position. Such letters are written everywhere in the country.
Q: You said such letters are written everywhere in the country. Can you please cite some examples?
A: In UP, Noida SSP Vaibhav Krishna wrote a letter to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, in which he gave the rate card of transfer-posting. What happened to that letter bomb? Ex-Gujarat IPS officer Sanjeev Bhatt wrote a scathing letter. Are you going to order CBI probes into all these letters?
Q: How do you view the daily revelations coming out pertaining to the controversial cop Sachin Vaze case?
A: The Sachin Vaze case is closed. ATS has completed the probe. NIA is investigating. Why is the media discussing Vaze every day? He is just an Assistant Police Officer.
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