A leopard has been spotted in Manjaliya village near Samrala in Ludhiana, Punjab. A video capturing the leopard sitting on the road has gone viral, causing a stir among the locals. However, wildlife authorities have not confirmed the authenticity of the video. A team from the Forest Department, Ludhiana, has reached the village to conduct a search, and cages have been set up.
According to locals, the location shown in the video appears to be near the Neelo Canal. The video, allegedly recorded by a car driver, shows a motorcyclist encountering the leopard on the road and quickly turning away. DFO Preetpal Singh of the Forest Department stated that they have not confirmed the video but have received reports of a leopard in Manjaliya village. A search operation is underway.A few days ago, residents of Sareenh village claimed to have seen a leopard. Continuous efforts are being made to search various villages day and night. Despite the extended period, the leopard has not been located. Earlier, a car driver had reported seeing a leopard near Taj Palace in Sareenh village. Gurjeet Singh from the village shared that the leopard was spotted two days ago near Taj Palace. Around 8:30 PM, a youth from the village going from Sareenh to Jarkhar witnessed the leopard, initially mistaking it for a dog. However, upon closer inspection, they confirmed it was a leopard. Villagers have been cautious, and announcements have been made from the village gurdwara urging people to stay indoors at night. Forest Department officials have not received requests to set up cages in the village so far.