Bengaluru: Lenovo on Tuesday launched a new gaming laptop titled Legion 5 in India that is powered by the premium AMD Ryzen 5 4600H mobile processor. The laptop in Phantom Black colour comes for a starting price of Rs 75,990, along with one year of free premium care and one year of accidental damage protection worth Rs 3,900. The machine features a 15.6-inch IPS 1080p display with a smooth 120Hz refresh rate to reduce screen tearing and in-game lag. With latest generation processors and latest GPUs by NVIDIA, this laptop promises to further redefine the gaming experience for Indians, the company said in a statement. With the AMD “Zen 2” core architecture combined with 7nm process technology, available for laptops, AMD Ryzen 4000 H-Series lets users do more, faster than ever before. Weighing 2.3 kg, the gaming laptop provides up to NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650ti discrete graphics, that offers greater visual fidelity in the latest games. The AMD-powered device is equipped with Lenovo Legion ‘TrueStrike keyboard’ with backlight, ‘Coldfront 2.0’ for thermal efficiency, and an improved battery life (up to 8 hours) using smarter power features.

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