On Monday, under the Bharat Sankalp Yatra developed by the Municipal Corporation South in Jodhpur, the inauguration of a health camp was done by the city’s legislator Atul Bhansali. Reports with different findings emerged during the legislator’s diabetes check-up at this camp, leading to dissatisfaction expressed by the city legislator. Subsequently, there was unrest among health workers. Officials from 17 departments, connected with the general public in the camp, were present.
The legislator instructed officials that the impact of such investigations on the daily lives of the general public should be understood. Negligence of this nature will not be tolerated.
Meanwhile, the Chief Health and Medical Officer, while providing clarification, mentioned that due to sunlight, there was an error in the sugar strip, but later, the legislator’s sugar was retested, and the correct report was provided. There is ongoing discussion in the city about the incorrect sugar report of the legislator. It is worth noting that since he was a legislator, a glucometer was promptly brought by the personnel of the public health centre for his check-up. However, a common person does not receive the same treatment. Medical workers often respond rudely to the patients.