A 19-year-old NEET aspirant from Gangapur city, Rajasthan, has gone missing after sending a message to his parents expressing his intention to leave home for five years. Rajendra Prasad Meena, who has been attending a coaching institute for the past three years, sent the message after taking the NEET exam on May 6.

In the message, Meena stated his decision not to pursue further studies and assured his parents that he would not take any wrong steps. He mentioned having Rs 8,000 with him and planned to sever contact by breaking his SIM card and selling his mobile phone. Despite this, he indicated that he might reach out to family or relatives if necessary.

Concerned about his well-being, Meena’s family reported him missing to the Vigyan Nagar police station after he left his room at a PG accommodation. The PG owner mentioned that Meena settled his dues before departing, leaving behind a positive impression of his intentions.

Efforts are underway to locate Meena, with authorities and his family actively engaged in tracing his whereabouts.