Domestic mobile handset brand Lava on Tuesday unveiled a feature phone ‘Lava Pulse 1’ with a contactless thermometer for Rs 1,999. The feature phone will enable users to measure their body temperature without touching the sensor. The users have to simply place the back of their hand or forehead a few centimetres away from the sensor and it will immediately display their body temperature on the screen, the company said in a statement. Users also have an option to save up to 10 readings on the phone for future reference and share the data with others through messages. Lava ‘Pulse 1’ is military-grade certified and comes with a 2.4-inch display. It features a sturdy polycarbonate body, torch, VGA camera and has an expandable memory of up to 32GB. The handset has a 1800mAh battery supported with super-battery mode, which lasts up to six days on a single charge
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