Luni: In the recent Ward Panch election held in Luni Gram Panchayat under the Panchayati Raj Institutions, Lata Bhati emerged victorious by a margin of just 1 vote. According to the Returning Officer, Shesharam Bhati, Ward Number 10 of Luni Gram Panchayat saw a total of 208 voters, out of which 129 exercised their right to vote. Two candidates, Lata Bhati and Mamta, engaged in a closely contested battle for the Ward Panch position. Ultimately, Lata secured 64 votes, while Mamta received 63 votes. In the election results, Lata Bhati narrowly defeated her rival Mamta Prajapati by a margin of just 1 vote. Following the announcement of the results, the victorious candidate took the oath of office. Additionally, in a separate election, a Ward Panch was elected unopposed from Hemir Nagar, Dhawa Panchayat Samiti.