WASHINGTON: Hollywood singer-actor Lady Gaga on Sunday announced the wrap-up for her upcoming biographical crime drama ‘House Of Gucci’. The Grammy-winning star took to her Instagram handle and shared a snap from the sets of ‘House of Gucci’ that sees her pounding fists with the film’s director Ridley Scott. “That’s a wrap, Rid,” Gaga wrote in the caption, adding the hashtag, “#HouseOfGucci.”
The first looks of Gaga and Adam Driver (lead hero) from the movie were unveiled on March 10, 2021, by Gaga and the makers of the film on their Instagram handles. As per People magazine, ‘House of Gucci’ is based on the popular book ‘The House of Gucci: A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed’ by Sara Gay Forden. The upcoming movie follows the story of Maurizio Gucci (Driver), the head of the Gucci fashion house, and his ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani (Gaga) and the aftermath of his death after Patrizia hired a hitman to kill him in 1995. Maurizio and Patrizia married in 1973 and in May 1985, the businessman left his wife for a younger woman after 12 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalised in 1991. In 1995, Maurizio was shot and killed by a hitman Patrizia hired on the steps outside his office in Milan. Patrizia was convicted of arranging her husband’s murder in 1998 and sentenced to 29 years in prison. Gaga and Driver are Oscar-nominated actors.
Vivian Dsena secured the first runner-up spot, while Rajat Dalal was named the second runner-up.
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