A video of a young girl from Ladakh is going viral on social media for batted brilliantly in her school. The clip was shared on Twitter by the Directorate of School Education (DSE) in Ladakh on Friday. DSE identified the girl as Maqsooma, a class VI student. In a tweet, the Directorate of School Education revealed what the girl said about herself. She said, “My father is at home and my teachers in school encourage me to play cricket.”
Maqsooma is a fan of the Indian cricket team’s run-machine cricketer Virat Kohli. In the video shared by DSE, the girl further said, “I will put all my efforts to play like Virat Kohli.” In the video, the student tries to hit sharp shots to score runs on the board and then runs to take runs. At one time, she was also seen hitting the ball outside the school grounds.
“My father at home and my teacher at school encourage me to play cricket. I’ll put all my efforts into playing like Virat Kohli,” Maqsooma, student of class VI said.
In the clip, Maqsooma also said that she wants to learn the ‘helicopter shot’, which was made famous by M.S. Dhoni. The video has been viewed more than 5 lakh times on Twitter and has garnered over 1,200 likes.
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