The Haryana Labour Department has launched two dedicated WhatsApp channels aimed at improving communication and assistance for labourers and construction workers under the Haryana Labour Welfare Board and Haryana Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.

WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives, and recognizing its potential to enhance services and engagement, the Haryana Labour Department is taking a significant step towards making information and support easily accessible to our valued workforce. With a goal of enhanced accessibility and ease of communication, the Haryana Labour Welfare Board along with the Haryana Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board have announced the launch of dedicated WhatsApp channels.

This pioneering initiative is aimed at streamlining the process of disseminating vital information and facilitating the reach of various welfare benefits to workers in the state.

Instant Information: Labourers and workers can now receive instant information on their rights, benefits, welfare schemes, and more by simply sending queries or keywords to the official WhatsApp numbers.

Timely Notifications and Updates: Stay informed with periodic updates, announcements, and notifications about upcoming activities , programmes , registeration camps and welfare schemes related events and initiatives.

Maximising outreach: The Haryana Labour Department has planned a range of activities and campaigns through these WhatsApp channels to empower and support our labour force. This will also help in building a an informed and more connected labour community

Awareness Campaigns: Now it will become easier for the workforce to learn about their rights, responsibilities, health and safety tips, and Digital literacy modules through informative campaigns. The Boards are dedicated to refining and enhancing the whatsapp channels, adapting to the evolving needs and feedback of the worker community. This approach underscores their resolve to stay at the forefront of innovative labor welfare solutions.

“Our commitment to your welfare is unwavering, and we aim to make your experience with the Haryana Labour Department more convenient and accessible than ever before.”
Enrollment onto these WhatsApp channels is straightforward and open to all workers, employees, and contractors. Clear instructions and support will be provided to assist users in joining and navigating the channels.