The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) on Tuesday rolled out a unique project to produce Neera and Palmgur (jaggery) which has huge potential to create employment in the country. It aims at promoting Neera as soft drink substitute while also creating self-employment for Adivasis and 400 traditional trappers. The project was launched at Dahanu in Palghar district of Maharashtra, a state with over 50 lakh palm trees.

KVIC distributed tool kits for extraction of Neera and making palmgur to 200 local artisans and were given 7-day training. A tool kit worth Rs 15,000 comprises stainless steel Kadhai, perforated moulds, canteen burners and equipment like knives, rope and axes for extraction of Neera. The project has been rolled out at the initiative of MSME Minister Nitin Gadkari who is also exploring the feasibility of engaging some big players of the state to start using Neera as soft drinks to make it commercially useful.

At present palmgur Neera worth Rs 500 crore is traded in the country and the turnover is likely to increase manifold with its commercial production. “On the lines of coconut water, we are working to promote Neera as a substitute for soft drinks. Neera is organic and rich in nutrients and thus a complete health drink. With increasing the production and marketing of Neera, we are trying to establish it as a key vertical of India’s village industry,” said KVIC Chairman Vinai Saxena.