Accused Kuldeep Singh, who was apprehended by the Punjab Vigilance Bureau, has revealed significant information during the ongoing investigation of a case filed under the FIR Prevention of Corruption Act at the VB Flying Squad-1 police station in Punjab’s Mohali.
According to a spokesperson from the state VB, the inquiry has brought to light the involvement of accused Balbir Singh and Kuldeep Singh, the latter being a driver associated with the Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Affairs department in Punjab. The duo, in collusion with Malvinder Singh Sidhu, AIG of the Human Rights Cell in Punjab Police, who falsely presented himself as IG of the Vigilance Bureau, were found engaged in fraudulent activities, blackmail, and extortion of money from government employees. Their modus operandi included illegally obtaining service records and subsequently initiating complaints against the victims to secure illicit gains.

The spokesperson elaborated that, based on a statement provided by Kuldeep Singh under the Evidence Act, the VB has recovered a counterfeit stamp bearing the name of the Inspector General of Police, Vigilance Department, Punjab. According to Kuldeep Singh, this stamp was utilized by AIG Malvinder Singh for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Additionally, two mobile phones belonging to accused Kuldeep Singh have been seized and are currently undergoing forensic examination. The data contained in these mobile phones is anticipated to unveil crucial details pertinent to the case.

The spokesperson emphasized that the recovery of the bogus stamp and the ongoing forensic analysis of the mobile phones signify potential breakthroughs in the investigation.