Kamal R Khan, also known as KRK, said through a tweet that Bollywood celebrities like Karan Johar, Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar and Shahrukh Khan are not responsible for his arrest. Actor and film critic KRK said that many people were claiming that Karan was behind his arrest, but it was “not true”.
Kamaal was arrested when he landed at Mumbai airport from Dubai on August 30. He was imprisoned until recently in connection with two cases: the first involving an old tweet from 2020 and the second involving molestation in 2021.
A day after KRK tweeted about his weight loss in jail as he’survived only on water’, he took to the microblogging site again on Wednesday to clarify that Bollywood celebs like filmmaker Karan Johar were not responsible for his arrest. KRK tweeted, “Many people are saying that Karan Johar was behind my arrest. No, it’s not true. Karan, SRK, Aamir, Ajay, Akshay, etc. have nothing to do with my arrest.” While he tagged Karan in his tweet, he used hashtags for Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan.
Many users reacted to KRK’s tweets. One of the social media users wrote, “Ishara kidhar hai toh fir, sallu bhaii?”
Another one wanted KRK to return to his old ways, where he often took a dig at celebs and films. The Twitter user said, “Humko old KRK mangata hai, itna acha KRK nhi chahiye.”
Kamaal R Khan, also known as KRK, made his Twitter comeback recently after his return from jail when he announced, “I am back for my vengeance.” He had also tweeted that he was being tortured and facing threats to his life.
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