Pooja Entertainment and Kriti Sanon released her first look from Ganapath. They took to Instagram and shared posters in different languages. In the poster, the talented actress appeared in a rugged look. Kriti sports a scar underneath her eye and has a nose ring as well. Also, the team revealed her character’s name in the film is Jaasi. Sharing the poster on Instagram, Pooja Entertainment wrote, “She is fierce. She is unstoppable. She is ready to kill. #MeetJassi #Ganapath in cinemas this Dussehra, 20th October.”

Have a look

One of the fans wrote, “Aag lgega ❤️❤️” Another wrote, “Action queen with action kingliterally goosebumps Gauranted..#first day first show ❤️‍” A third fan wrote, “Bhai kya look h yrr jassi ka to❤️” A fourth fan commented, “What a great poster yaar Kritsu! You’re roaring ✨What a fabulous poster yaar! Literally gives me again goosebumps yaar! FIRE HAI BOSS!THIS IS REALLY UNBELIEVABLE! FINALLY! OUR GANAPATH KI JASSI IS HERE WITH US!!!!!READY TO ROAR!!!!!! ALL THE BEST JASSI…..@kritisanon.”

Ganapath is ready for a worldwide release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada on October 20, 2023.