ITANAGAR : Bollywood actor Kriti Sanon who wrapped the shoot for her upcoming film Bhediya in Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh, right before the second lockdown was imposed, shared an adorable BTS image with a local child from the city. She took to her Instagram Story and posted the picture as she spent some happy moments with the locals at the beautiful location. The photo sees Sanon in a plain mint green tracksuit holding the cute girl while exuding happiness as the duo smilingly glare into the lens. The photo also read, “#ziro diaries”.
Starring Kriti Sanon, Varun Dhawan, Abhishek Banerjee, and Deepak Dobriyal, the story is written by National Award Winner, Niren Bhatt who also wrote scripts for ‘Bala’, ‘Made In China’, ‘Wrong Side Raju’. The film is slated to release in cinemas on 14 April 2022.
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