Bollywood’s beloved BFF, Orhan Awatramani, popularly known as Orry, took the hot seat on the finale episode of Koffee With Karan 8, where host Karan Johar delved into some burning questions that had left the internet buzzing. At the forefront was the million-dollar query that has intrigued many – “What does Orry do?” Without hesitation, Orry responded, “I do my best,” leaving Karan Johar visibly impressed, who vowed to borrow this answer for himself in the future.

Orry’s knack for providing unique answers was previously showcased when he declared, “I am a liver” during the last season, sparking a meme-fest and becoming a pop culture sensation. The witty banter continued as Karan Johar inquired about Orry’s first job, revealing an unexpected Bollywood connection. Orry humorously shared his stint as the usher number 3 at the Children Should Wash Their Hands Conference in New York, assisting none other than Bollywood icon Kajol during a speech in 2013.

In a fascinating turn of events, Orry acknowledged his first brush with fame, attributing it to filmmaker Boney Kapoor. Recounting the moment, Orry disclosed, “Blame Boney Kapoor. Because the first time I got the limelight, it was his fault.” Orry’s camaraderie with Boney Kapoor’s daughters, Janhvi and Khushi, both acclaimed actors, further adds to the intriguing tales of Bollywood friendships.

Additionally, Orry opened up about his deep bond with Nysa Devgn, daughter of Bollywood power couple Ajay Devgn and Kajol, emphasizing how life has come full circle. As Orry aptly put it, “I love Nysa like she is my younger sister.”

The Koffee With Karan 8 finale not only provided a glimpse into Orry’s enigmatic persona but also added another chapter to the ever-evolving saga of Bollywood friendships.