In response to the Opposition’s alliance being called “INDIA,” Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma updated his Twitter biography, replacing “India” with “Bharat.”
The Assam CM took to his twitter and penned the message as, “In my previous bio, I mentioned Assam, INDIA . However, I forgot to update it after my journey from the INDIAN National Congress to the BHARATIYA Janata Party. Now, I have proudly changed my bio to Assam, BHARAT. Some friends from the Congress are asking me why I changed my bio. I hope this explanation will satisfy them.”
Earlier in 2015, Assam’s chief minister joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Notably, the Opposition, comprised of 26 parties, announced the name of the coalition for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections: the Indian National Developmental Inclusive coalition, or INDIA.
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