The Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly is likely to enact new rules prohibiting members from bringing mobile phones inside the House, tearing documents, or standing or sitting with their backs to the Speaker.

The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 2023, will replace the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, 1958, once passed.

“The new rule was tabled on Monday. Discussion on it will take place on Wednesday and subsequently it will be passed,” Uttar Pradesh Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana told the media.

The new regulations for MLAs in the House aim to maintain a respectful and orderly atmosphere. MLAs will not be allowed to tear up documents, point to or applaud someone in the gallery, stand or sit with their backs to the Speaker, bring or display weapons, smoke in the lobby, or speak or laugh loudly.

They are also expected to show respect by bowing towards the Speaker’s chair and not turning their backs while entering or departing the House, sitting or rising from their seats.

In short, the new regulations are designed to prevent MLAs from engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior. By upholding these standards, MLAs can help to ensure that the House is a productive and respectful place to conduct the business of the state.

The new rules have shortened the duration of a session from 14 days to 7 days. The rules also prohibit MLAs from bringing any literature, questionnaires, books, or press comments into the House, or from distributing slips that are not related to the proceedings.

In addition, the principal secretary of the legislative assembly will be required to provide a list of the work that will be taken up each day to the MLAs, either online or offline.

These new rules are designed to streamline the legislative process and to make it more efficient. They also aim to prevent MLAs from engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior.