In a proactive stance against online misconduct, the Kishtwar Police has swiftly taken decisive action against a minor individual accused of posting derogatory content on social media platforms. Under the guidance of SSP Kishtwar, Khalil Poswal-JKPS, an FIR has been registered at Chatroo, invoking relevant sections of the law to address the offense.

SSP Kishtwar emphasized that the Cyber Cell of Kishtwar Police diligently monitors all social media activities, and strict actions will be taken against those found violating cyber laws.
SP Kishtwar Khalil Poswal-JKPS has consistently stressed the importance of responsible online behavior, issuing stern warnings to netizens.

He reaffirmed the commitment of law enforcement to uphold the digital code of conduct, stating that legal actions will be taken against those found violating the prescribed guidelines.
The swift response from Kishtwar Police underscores their commitment to maintaining a safe and responsible online environment, ensuring that individuals engaging in online misconduct face legal consequences. This proactive approach aims to deter such activities and reinforce the importance of responsible online behavior in the digital landscape.

Quote: Cyber Cell of Kishtwar Police diligently monitors all social media activities, and strict actions will be taken against those found violating cyber laws.